Tuesday, January 29, 2013

For the love of yarn...

I started my Pixie Pics and More business in June, 2012.  And I havent gotton my yarn out since then, well, because I've been so busy promoting and setting up shop...that every spare moment has literally gone to Pixie Pics...and believe me, the journey is far from accomplished...but I have to remind myself, Lifes a Climb...it's not about the top of the mountain, as much as the journey along the way to climb up the mountain....so I will slow down a bit, and take some time to enjoy my yarn and crochet needles...while still pursuing my climb to the top of the hill...which would be a thriving, productive business at Pixie Pics and More by Tina.

Monday, January 28, 2013

off I went to the photo shop to print my fab photos of current projects...and then it hit me...

it was a horrid migrane...so I attempted to do some of the Resin Projects, but only got a few started...what a disappointment...I'm feeling better today at least.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

so...I've been doing some thinking abouts my resin work...and I was feeling like a writer...when they get 'writers block'...I just felt like I had no new ideas...and wanted something 'better'...something 'fabulous'....and then it hit me...'BING'...I had a 'LIGHTBULB MOMENT'....and it was like 'magicical fairies floating around in my head'...so I'm off to the supply store to gather my supplies and then I'm going to brew up a spell in my crafting pot!~ 

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Twilight Saga Fans...I'm selling this one of a kind set to first buyer...$25.00...valued at 35.00 with FREE SHIPPING IN USA ONLY...SET INCLUDES: EARRINGS, RING (one size), KEY CHAIN, HAIR PIN OR BROOCH...this is actual photographs covered in a thick glossy Poly Resin front and back.  I made these myself...and take great pride in my work.  If you want these, let me know and I will ship immediately...email me at :  pixiepicsandmorebytina@gmail.com .  I will send you a bill via PayPal.

Friday, January 11, 2013

pIXies fRoM tHe FABULOUS 1920's....I love this decade...fashion was starting to blossom~

My latest creations....Resin Glitter earrings....any color you want
 $10.00 FREE SHIPPING USA....allow 2 days to complete order please....

 Resin Bead Filled Ring...One Size fits most....$8.00 FREE SHIPPING USA ....only 1 available!~

 Money Bling Ring...One size fits Most....only 1 available...but I can make more per request

FREE SHIPPING USA ONLY...........................to order: email me to: Pixiepiecsandmorebytina.blogspot.com/ and I can send you a bill via Pay Pal when time to ship order.  

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Lipstick Art

Tina from Pixie Pics

so...my blog is about ART...and this new LIPSTICK from KAT VON D COLLECTION in a beautiful color...'homegirl' shade.... is a mix of berry plum and purple vamp...

I'm digging it~

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

celebrity cat...in the making.

Isn't this a beautiful creature...?   I'm going to make some cool stuff with this photo for my BFF...this is her cat...and he was so cute curled up in the bathroom sink...that I simply HAD to take his photo and I told him I was gonna make him FAMOUS...!~

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Years....Welcome 2013!~  From Pixie Pics and More by Tina